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What’s The Best Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment?

Sciatic nerve pain affects a large portion of the population, with as many as 40% of people dealing with sciatic nerve pain at some point in their lives. This condition can be incredibly debilitating, causing back pain and making it difficult to participate in even the simplest activities. It’s no wonder that people living with… Continue reading What’s The Best Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment?

Annulogram vs. Discogram For Back Pain Evaluation

If you suffer from chronic back pain, your doctor may have recommended that you undergo a discogram evaluation. However, if you have not been made aware of the risks associated with discograms and what your other options are, you may not be able to make a well-informed decision before undergoing this evaluation. Discograms have been… Continue reading Annulogram vs. Discogram For Back Pain Evaluation

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease Pain?

Degenerative disc disease is a normal part of the aging process. However, while for some this condition will go unnoticed, for others it will lead to painful and debilitating symptoms that may affect their quality of life. There are also a variety of symptoms that are associated with degenerative disc disease because the spine is… Continue reading What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease Pain?

Explaining Annular Tears

The Root Of Spinal Disc Issues Spine surgeons finally understand the importance of annular tears, because these tears cause most disc problems and back pain. Even bone spurs and spine arthritis originates from annular tears because tears cause spine joints to rub, causing spurs and spine arthritis. They are are often the root of spine pain… Continue reading Explaining Annular Tears

What’s The Most Effective Annular Tear Treatment?

For those who may not know, pretty much every adult over the age of 18 has developed annular tears, or will develop annular tears. These tears develop in almost everyone because they’re a natural part of our aging process. This is why many people with annular tears never feel any symptoms or pain. However, many… Continue reading What’s The Most Effective Annular Tear Treatment?